BCB International

BCB International SA1 was enlisted by BCB for assistance with efficiently moving its communications system

A word from our client

“Having a simple to use and up-to-date communications system is key to our business, which is why we consulted with SA1 Telecoms when it came to moving site. Their friendly and knowledgeable technicians provided their time and advicefor free. We now have a cheaper and future proof telephone system, plus the best internal network that functions seamlessly with minimum downtime. It was an excellent decision to use SA1 Telecoms and one I have and will continue to recommend.

Who are BCB? How do we help?

Since its creation in 1854, BCB International has been developing pioneering innovations that have helped generations of armed forces personnel, seafarers, aid workers and adventurers operate and survive in some of the world’s harshest environments. SA1 was enlisted by BCB for assistance with efficiently moving its communications system as the company pursued its move to open a new site. SA1 provided over 40 handsets including video enabled handsets for management and cordless phones for their warehouse. SA1 has saved BCB substantial savings converting to our VoIP telecoms platform, they also now havethe ability to configure the VoIP themselves, giving them complete control and flexibility.

  • BCB International
  • Manufacturing
  • Hosted Cloud Telephony
  • Over 1 Year
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